Latest News  
Admit Card Download Notice |  Updated list of rejected candidates and additional eligible candidates for the post of Librarian |  Corrigendum - Non-teaching Post |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  Fee Concession Interview Notice |  Notice for the post of Librarian |  Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) |  Updated Common Courses Students List Sem VI |  Updated Common Courses Students List Sem IV |  Updated Common Courses Students List Sem II |  Notice |  Annual Inter-Departmental Sports Competition |  Department of Geography is organising a national seminar on 27th and 28th February 2025 |  Notice for Attendance and Internal Assessment Tests |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  Annual Academic Awards 2024 |  Committee Constitution |  Notice for Attendance |  Course Allocation & Examination Form Submission |  CDC - 2-Day Student Development Programme |  Attention:- All UG and PG First Year Students |  PKIS Final List |  Advertisement for JRF in IUAC |  Essential Skills for Students in Viksit Bharat 2047: Empowering Future Visionaries |  Time Tables of Foreign Language Courses 2024-25 |  Research Council Booklet |  PKIS Booklet |  4th Year Continuation Form |  GE-BA (Prog) Sem II, 2025 |  Sectionwise Allotted-VAC_Semester IV_ 2024-2025 |  Notification |  Group Discussion (GD) for "Principal KMC Internship Scheme" (PKIS) 2025 |  Sectionwise allotted SEC-Semester IV allotment rooms for students |  National Seminar on Sustainable Futures Integrating Human Rights in Environmental and Climate Policies |  Sectionwise_Allotted-AEC_Semester_II___2024-2025_for_students |  Sectionwise Allotted_SEC-Semester II allotment for STUDENTS |  Sectionwise allotted_SEC-Semester IV allotment_rooms for students |  Notice |  Notice for All |  Sectionwise Allotted SEC Semester VI |  Sectionwise Allotted AEC Semester IV |  Sectionwise Allotted VAC Semester II |  Seating plan 28 Jan |  Allotted 2024-2025 GE Semester II |  Allotted 2024-2025 GE Semester VI |  Allotted 2024-2025 GE Semester IV |  Application for College Fee Concession for Needy Students |  International Seminar |  SOL Seating Plan Morning 24 Jan |  SOL-Seating plan 23 Jan |  Seating Plan 22.01.2024 |  SOL-Seating Plan Evening |  Notice for Students |  SOL-Seating Plan Morning |  Provisional sanction for Scholarships to the regular student(s) Studying Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit language for the year 2024-25. |  Ratan Tata Scholarship for Young Authors. |  Seating Plans 20.01.2025 Morning |  Add-on Certificate Course on Research Writing and Data Analysis |  Seating Plans 19.01.2025 SOL Morning |  Seating plans of SOL students of 18 Jan |  PKIS 2025 |  College & SOL Seating Plans Morning 17 Jan |  Commerce Practical Exam |  College Seating Plans 16.01.2025 |  SOL Seating plans 16 Jan |  Seating Plan College Morning & Evening 13 Jan |  Explanation from the students for not filling Course Allocation Form |  SOL-Seating Plan 12.01.2025 |  SOL Seating Plan 11.01.2025 |  Important Notice for Students |  Seating Plans College & SOL Morning 10 Jan |  Notice for Students |  KMC RESEARCH RECOGNITION CERTIFICATE FOR STUDENTS (KRRCS) |  Smart Delhi Ideathon 2025 |  College & SOL Evening 8 Jan Seating Plan |  Seating Plan College & SOL 8 Jan Morning |  SOL Seating Plan Morning & Evening 7 Jan |  College Seating Plan Morning & Evening 7 Jan |  SOL Seating Plan 6th Jan Morning & Evening |  Seating Plan 6 Jan Morning and Evening |  Notice for Students |  SOL Seating Plan 03.01.2025 Evening |  College Seating Plan 03.01.2025 Morning, Evening |  Quotation Invitation - AMCatKMC 2024-25 |  College New Seating Plan 01.01.2025 Evening |  Seating Plans 01.01.2025 Morning & Evening |  LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY IN IN THE DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY ON 06.01.2025 AT 11:00 A.M. ONWARDS |  Seating Plan 31.12.2024 Morning |  Seating Plans 30.12.2024 Evening |  Seating plan for college students of 30.12.2024 Morning |  29.12.2024-SOL-Evening |  Seating Plan 29 Dec College and SOL Morning |  Seating Plan 28.12.2024 Morning |  LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY ININ THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ON 03.01.2025 AT 11:00 A.M. ONWARDS |  Candidates called for interview for the post of Guest Faculty in Philosophy at 11:00 a.m. onwards on 02.01.2025 |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  Notice & Application form -2024 (Physics) |  College Seating Plan 27.12.2024 Morning |  Seating Plan SOL 26 Dec |  Seating Plan College 26 Dec |  Practical Examination December, January 2024-2025, B.Sc. (H) Statistics, SEM-I |  College seating plan 24.12.2024 Morning |  College & SOL Evening 23.12.2024 |  SOL Morning 23.12.2024 |  Updated Seating Plan College 23.12.2024 Morning |  Seating Plan 22.12.2024 SOL Evening |  NSP Scholarship Notice |  Seating Plans 20.12.2024 Morning |  Seating Plan - College + SOL Evening |  Notice & Application form -2024 (Chemistry) |  College Seating Plan 19.12.2024 Morning |  List of Under-Graduate (Hons.) Science Students who have been selected for Meritorious Award for the year 2024-2025. |  Dept of Commerce - Practical Exams |  Seating Plan 18.12.2024 Morning (College+SOL) |  Seating Plans 17.12.2024 Evening (College + SOL) |  Scholarship Schemes |  College Seating Plan 17.12.2024 Morning |  College Seating Plan 16.12.2024 Evening |  Seating Plans 16 Dec Morning |  SOL Seating Plan 15 Dec Morn & Even |  BYPL SASHAKT Scholarship 2024-25 |  College Seating Plan of 13.12.2024 Morning |  Seating Plans - College and SOL |  Delhi University Scholarships for the Academic Year 2024-25 |  Notice for First Year Students |  SOL for Dec 11, 2024 Morning |  Important Notice: Online Classes on December 11, 2024 |  Seating Plan 11.12.2024 Morning |  Seating Plan 10.12.2024 Morning |  Application form -2024 - Commerce |  Seating plan of Dec 10, 2024 ( Morning) for SOL students |  Seating plan of Dec 10, 2024 (Morning) for Regular students |  Exam Duty Chart - Faculty |  NOTICE – ALL SEMESTER I STUDENTS |  Notice |  Notice & Application form -2024 (Philosophy & Botany) |  Scholarship for Sports Female Students |  Announcement of Scholarship for Bonafide Students (Under Graduate/Post Graduate) |  ER / Improvement Students physics practical Schedule : Student List-2 |  Statistics Practical Examination |  Practical Examination November-December 2024 to all the Third-year students and ex-students |  Practical Examination November- December 2024 |  Foreign Students Enrolment No. Academic Year 2024-25 |  Enrollment Nos. 2024 |  THE NEWLY ELECTED OFFICE BEARERS OF KIRORI MAL COLLEGE STUDENT UNION FOR THE SESSION 2024-25 AR AS FOLLOWS |  Sensitization and awareness about complete ban on bursting of all kinds of firecrakers |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  Revised date sheet Chemistry Practical Exam Nov Dec 2024 |  Graduation Outreach Data Collection for KMC’S Ranking |  Application deadline extended till 30 November | Scholarship for final-year undergraduate students studying and residing in Delhi | BYPL SASHAKT Scholarship 2024-25 |  Regarding counting of votes for DUSU election and College/Department/Institution election |  ER / Improvement Students physics practical Schedule |  Physics department : Groups for Physics practical Examination November-December 2024 (Sem-III and Sem-V) |  Important Notice |  Students Enrollment Nos. 2024 |  Chemistry Practical Exam III & V Sem Nov-Dec 2024 |  Scholarship for final-year undergraduate students studying and residing in Delhi | BYPL SASHAKT Scholarship 2024-25 |  Workshop on Nakshatra Plant |  CHANCE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE 71ST EDITION OF OUR PRESTIGIOUS ANNUAL MAGAZINE, NEW OUTLOOK: नई दृष्टि 2025 |  Regarding inviting of online applications under various Scholarship Schemes for the year 2024-25. |  Essential Repeat (ER), Improvement cases for Practical, IA and Tutorial in the college |  Quotation Notice for Sports Goods for the Academic sessions: 2024-25 |  Notice Regarding Screening of Applications for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography: Kirori Mal College |  Life Certificate |  Revised Datesheet for other courses of all Departments |  Datesheet for IA test for GE on 21st October 2024 in the Departments. |  Notice Regarding Teaching Posts in Chemistry |  List of PKIS interns for the current semester |  Essential Repeat (ER) cases in the college |  LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY ON 17.10.2024 AT 2:30 P.M. ONWARDS |  Dates for Mid Semester Internal Assessment Tests |  Important Notice |  Advertisement for Women Empowerment Project |  स्वाधीनता आंदोलन में हिंदी और महात्मा गाँधी |  Notice and Application form -2024-Guests Faculty in Zoology- Kirori Mal College |  Notice for students |  List of shortlisted students for Group Discussion 2024-2025 ODD |  Notice |  College Hostel Admission List of II and III year students |  Notice for students |  Notice |  Election Notice |  Notice for students |  SEC SEM I LIST |  ID Card Notice |  LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ON 01.10.2024 AT 2:00 P.M. ONWARDS |  Notice |  AEC Sem I List |  GE list for semester I students |  VAC Sem I List |  ID Card Notice |  List of Final Candidates - SU Elections 2024-25 |  Notice |  Students Union Election 2024-25 - List of Duly Nominated Candidates After Scrutiny |  Notice for Semester I students |  International Peace Day |  NOTICE FOR ALL |  First year Students list with Roll No. upto-17.09.2024 |  Hostel List |  Hostel Notice |  Notice |  Notice |  Peace Club Orientation |  Election Notice |  Notice |  Notice for Students |  Notice for Students |  Hostel Notice |  Fee Notice |  Notice for all 1st Year Students |  Notice & Application form -2024 - Physics |  Notice for 1st Year Students |  ALL FIRST YEAR ADMITTED STUDENTS LIST WITH ROLL NO. UPTO 07.09.2024 |  Notice for Students |  Principal KMC Internship Scheme (PKIS) |  Skill Enhancement Course: Design thinking and Innovation |  LIST OF GEC_SEC_VAC_AEC SEM 1 2024 |  Notice for Sem I |  Notice for all 1st year UG & PG students |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY IN IN THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ON 09.09.2024 |  LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE ON 03.09.2024 |  Orientation Programme for the selection of the GEC and Common Courses (SEC, VAC, AEC) |  Notice |  ALL FIRST YEAR ADMITTED STUDENS LIST WITH ROLL NUMBER UPTO ROUND -II , 2024-25 |  Notice |  Skill Enhancement Course: Design thinking and Innovation |  On the Spot Registrations for Language Courses |  Orientation Program - 29 Aug |  Notice Regarding Screening of Applications for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics: Kirori Mal College |  Notice for II & III year students |  Notice for Extension of time for filling choices on ERP portal |  Freshers' Orientation at Ashoka Lawn, Kirori Mal College |  Hostel Admission Notice 2024 - 25 |  Regarding Scholarship |  LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SANSKRIT ON 04.09.2024 AT 3:00 P.M. ONWARDS |  Notification |  LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE ON 03.09.2024 AT 2:00 P.M. ONWARDS |  Notice |  LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY IN IN THE DEPARTMENT OF HINDI ON 02.09.2024 AT 2:00 P.M. ONWARDS |  Notice Regarding Screening of Applications for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry: Kirori Mal College |  Notice & Application form -2024 (Computer Science) |  Notice Regarding Screening of Applications for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics: Kirori Mal College |  Notice for Sem III and Sem V to fill GE, SEC , VAC, AEC and DSE |  Corrigendum - Guest in Political Science |  Notice and Application form -2024-Guests Faculty in various departments |  Notice Regarding Screening of Applications for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Urdu |  Anti-Ragging Week 12th to 18th Aug 2024 |  VAC-III List |  AEC-SEM III List |  UPDATED M.A._M.SC. ADMITTED STUDENTS ROLL NO. LIST-2024-25 |  M.A./M.SC. admitted students roll No. list-2024-25 |  GE III, V Sem & SEC V Sem Lists |  PG Verification Notice |  Notice |  Time Tables for Sem III & V |  GeM-Tender for Security Services |  GeM Tender Notice |  Notice and Application form -2024-Guests Faculty in various departments |  Quotation for drinking water point Sports |  Notice Regarding Screening of Applications for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  Guidelines for Internship, Apprenticeship And Community Outreach |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  Register for Certificate Course in Foreign Languages |  Notice |  Notice |  SOL Seating Plan 14.07.2024 Morning and Evening |  SOL Morning & Evening of 13.07.2024 |  SOL Seating plan 12.07.2024 Morning and Evening |  Notice |  SOL Seating Plan 11th July, 2024 |  Registeration Open for Certificate Course in Foreign Languages |  SOL Seating Plan 10th July, 2024 |  SOL Morning & Evening of 08.07.2024 |  Seating Plan 7th July SOL |  SOL Seating Plan 6th July 2024 |  Seating Plan 05.07.2024 Morning and Evening |  CERTIFICATE COURSE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES |  Seating Plan 04.07.2024 Morning and Evening |  SOL Morning & Evening of 03.07.2024 Seating Plans |  SOL Evening of 02.07.2024 Seating Plan |  Notice for Students |  SOL Morning of 02.07.2024 Seating Plan |  SOL Morning & Evening of 01.07.2024 |  SOL Seating Plan 30 June 2024 Morning & Evening |  Seating Plan SOL 28.06.2024 Morning and Evening |  Notice for all Students |  Revised Fees Structure 2024-25 |  Seating Plan SOL 26.06.2024 Morning and Evening |  NOTICE FOR STUDENTS |  Seating Plan for SOL Evening of 24.06.2024 |  Seating Plan for SOL Morning of 24.06.2024 |  Seating Plan SOL Morning 23.06.2024 |  SOL Seating Plan 22.06.2024 Morning |  SDEF Scholarship Program (2024-25) are open! Apply Now!! |  SOL Seating Plan Morning 21.06.2024 |  Important Notification for all Students |  Seating plans of SOL students of 20.06.2024 Morning & Evening |  GeM-TENDER FOR THE AWARD OF CONTRACT OF COLLEGE CANTEEN THROUGH GOVERNMENT E-MARKETPLACE. |  Seating plan of College students of 19.06.2024 Morning & Evening |  College Students of 18.06.2024 Morning & Evening |  SOL students of 16.06.2024 Morning |  seating plan of SOL students of 15.06.2024 Morning & Evening |  Notice for Security Refund |  Seating Plan 14.06.2024 Morning and Evening |  SOL Seating Plan 12 June, 2024 |  College Seating Plan 12 June 2024 |  Notice for Students |  SOL 11 JUNE 2024 Evening |  Seating Plan College Regular Students for 11 June |  Seating Plan SOL students of 10.06.2024 Morning |  College students of 10.06.2024 Morning & Evening |  09.06.2024 Morning Seating Plan |  Seating Plan SOL 08.06.2024 Morning and Evening |  Seating plans 07.06.2024 Morning and Evening |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  Seating plan of College students of 06.06.2024 Morning & Evening |  Updated Regular College Seating Plan 5th June, 2024 |  SOL Morning 5th June, 2024 |  College Seating Plan 4th Evening |  Seating Plan Morning 4th June |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  seating plan of SOL students of 03.06.2024 Evening |  seating plans of Regular students of 03.06.2024 Morning & Evening |  SOL Seating Plan 02.06.2024 Morning and Evening |  SOL Seating Plan Morning 01. 06.2024 |  Seating Plan 31.05.2024 Morning and Evening |  Regular Seating Plan 30th May, 2024 |  SOL Seating Plan 30.05.2024 |  Refund of Fees Concession Money |  Seating plan of SOL students of 29th May, 2024 |  Seating plan of Regular Students of College 29-05-2024 |  SOL students as well as Regular students of 28.05.2024 |  Seating plans of SOL students of 27.05.2024 Evening |  College Exam Seating Plan May 27, 2024 Morning & Evening Session |  SOL Seating Plan May 26, 2024 Morning & Evening Session |  SOL Seating Plan May 24, 2024 Evening Session |  2 Day Faculty Development Programme On Innovation in Teaching Pedagogies: An Integrative Approach |  College Seating Plan May 24, 2024 Morning & Evening Session |  IA Notice for all Teachers |  College Seating Plan May 22, 2024 Morning & Evening Session |  Regular Seating Plan 21.05.2024 (Morning & Evening) |  Examination Invigilation Duties for May-June 2024 |  Degree Notice |  Practical Examination - Department of Commerce |  Practical Examination: BA (H) Economics II year |  Department of Statistics_Datesheet for Prac Exam May 2024 |  Run for Viksit Bharat |  Notice for Inviting Quotations |  Notice |  NOTICE FOR STUDENTS |  For Academic Award achievers in the session 2022-2023 |  Disbursement of NFOBC scheme to be made to scholars in Aadhar seeded bank accounts only |  NOTICE FOR ALL STUDENTS (INCLUDING EX-STUDENTS) REGARDING PRACTICAL EXAMINATION TO BE HELD IN MAY, 2024 |  NOTICE |  Notice for only III year students |  Notice for Students |  NOTICE |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  Notice |  Details of Students for Welfare Schemes/ Project |  Academic Award for the year 2024 |  Notice |  Speaker Session on the Occasion of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar |  Filling up the Examination Form for the Semester-I/II/III/IV/V/VI Regular/NCWEB students (Annual Scheme Part-I/II/III) for all U.G. & P.G programs for the Academic session 2019-2020, 2020-2021,2021-2022,2022-2023 & 2023-2024. |  Notice |  CHILDREN EDUCATION ALLOWANCE FORM |  Semester IV - SEC FINAL LIST |  Sem 2 SEC Final List |  Notice |  Appointment of Guest Faculty in Physics Dept |  AEC, VAC & GEC SEM II & IV LISTS |  Important Notification for all UG Students |  Advertisement for the post of junior research fellow (JRF) in DST sponsored project |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  Quotations Invited |  Notification |  Sanction in respect of 3-Yr. B.Sc./4-Yr. B.S./5-Yr. Integrated M.Sc./M.S. students selected for the year 2023-24 |  Quotations Invited |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  Sem 6 GEC List |  Shree Maheshwari Foundation Scholarship for Higher Education |  Viksit Bharat Programme on 07-03-24 |  Notification of Flower Show |  Fee Concession Notice |  SEM 2 AEC List 2 |  Join Gandhi Study Circle/Society |  SEM 4 SEC List 2 |  Teaching Advertisement |  Sem 2 SEC List 2 |  Sem 4 AEC List 2 |  U21 RISE 2023 Announcement |  Notice regarding foreign language courses |  Regarding Fee-Concession |  Notice & Application form -2024 (Mathematics) |  Verification of documents for award of Promotion of Science Education (POSE) Scholarship |  Semester II - GEC List 2 |  SEM 4 VAC List 2 |  ATTENTION - ALL UG & PG FIRST YEAR STUDENTS |  GEC 4 and VAC 2 - Second Lists |  LIST OF SELECTED STUDENTS PKIS_2024 |  SOL Seating Plans 10.02.2024 Morning & Evening |  Appointment of Guest Faculty in Zoology Dept. |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  QUOTATIONS INVITED |  Principal KMC Internship Scheme (PKIS) 2024-List of Shortlisted students for Group Discussion (GD) |  Revival of the Gandhi Study Circle |  Recruitment Test Seating Plan 04.02.2024 |  SOL Seating Plan 03.02.2024 Evening |  Opening of Amrit Udyan at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi from 02.02.2024 to 31.03.2024 during Udyan Utsav, 2024 |  Notice for Students of Sem II & IV |  Sem 2 SEC First List |  Quotations Invited |  Corrigendum - Guest Appointment in Mathematics Department |  Founder's Day Schedule |  Founder's Day |  SEM 2 VAC First List |  SOL Evening 27th Jan 2024 |  AMCat Interview Candidates List dated for 29th Jan |  SOL seating plan 27th January, 2024 |  Principal KMC Internship Scheme (PKIS) |  Happy Republic Day |  AEC Sem 4 - 1st List |  Notice & Application form -2024 (Chemistry & Mathematics) |  SEM II AEC & Sem IV GEC |  SEM II GEC & SEM IV VAC Lists |  SOL-Seating Plan 22.01.2024 |  QUOTATIONS REGARDING RECTIFICATION OF LEAKAGE AND SEEPAGE IN STAFF FLAT AT KIRORI MAL COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF DELHI |  Notice |  SOL Seating Plans 20.01.2024 Mornin |  INFORMATION REGARDING MERIT SCHOLARSHIP FOR THE YEAR 2021-22 AND OBTAIN THE FEEDBACK. |  Important Notice for All |  Common Courses under North Campus Cluster Teaching Scheme |  College Seating plans 18.01.2024 Morning and Evening |  College Seating Plans 17.01.2024 Morning and Evening |  SOL Seating plan 16.01.2024 Evening |  College Seating Plan 16.01.2024 Morning and Evening |  SOL Seating Plans 15.01.2024 Morning & Evening |  College Seating Plan 15.01.2024 Morning and Evening |  SOL Seating Plan 13.01.2024 Morning & Evening |  Seating Plan 12.01.2024 Morning and evening |  SOL SEATING PLAN 11.01.2024 EVENING |  College Seating Plan 11.01.2024 Morning and Evening |  Seating Plan 10.01.2024 Evening |  10th January 2024 Sitting Plan College |  Notice for students of Sem II |  Notice |  New Seating plans 09.01.2024 Morning |  College 9th January 2024 |  College 8th January, 2024 |  Notice for Sem VI students in BA(P) & BCom(P) |  Choice of Common Courses and DSE for Semester IV, 2024 |  Appointment of Guest Faculty in Statistics Department |  SOL Seating plans 06.01.2024 Morning and Evening |  SOL Seating plan 05.01.2024 Morning and Evening |  College Sitting Plan 05-01-2024 |  College 04 January 2024 Sitting Plan |  SOL SEATING PLANS MORNING AND EVENING 04.01.2024 |  Savitribai Phule Ji Jayanti |  ANNOUNCEMENT OF SCHOLARSHIP FOR BONAFIDE STUDENTS (UNDER GRADUATE/POST GRADUATE) |  Student placements and career progression link |  SOL 3rd Jan 2024 Morning |  College Seating Plans 03.01.2024 Morning and Evening |  College Regular Seating Plan |  SOL 01 January, 2024 |  College Regular 2 January, 2024 |  College and Sol Seating Plan Morning and Evening 31th December 2023 |  The Redactors' Chamber 2024-25 |  30 Dec. College Regular |  SOL 30 Dec. 2023 |  SOL 29 Dec. 2023 Morning |  Seating plan 29 Dec - Regular |  Attention BSc Programme students of Semester V (CBCS-LOCF) |  Regular College 29 Dec Seating Plan |  SOL 28 Dec Seating Plan |  Information regarding Under-Graduate Science (Hons.) Meritorious Award for the Academic Year 2023-24 |  Updated Seating Plan for 27 Dec Evening |  Seating Plans for 28th Dec, 2023 Morning & Evening |  SOL Seating Plans 27.12.2023 Morning and Evening |  Information for "Vice-Chancellor's Gold Medal" for Physically Challenged Students-2023 |  College Seating Plans 27.12.2023 Morning & Evening |  SOL-Seating Plans 26.12.2023 Morning & Evening |  College Seating Plans 26.12.2023 Morning and Evening |  SOL Seating Plan 24.12.2023 Morning and Evening |  SOL Seating Plans 23.12.2023 Morning and Evening |  Seating Plan 22.12.2022 SOL Morning |  Seating Plan 22.12.2023 Morning |  Updated Seating Plan for 21.12.2023 Morning |  Sol Seating Plan (Morning & Evening) |  Delhi University Scholarships for the Academic Year 2023-24 |  Kirori Mal College General Feedback Drive |  Seating Plans 20 December 2023 (Morning & Evening) |  Voice of Youth - Viksit Bharat@2047 |  GeM Bidding for 80 Computers |  Important Notice for Students |  Notice for I/III/V Sem Students |  Practical Notice for 1st, 2nd & 3rd (ex-students) Year Students |  Buddy4Study’s Scholarship Alert |  Notice for 2nd & 3rd Year Students |  Students - Important Information |  KMC Sem 3 GEC & VAC Updated Final List |  The datesheet of common course ( GE/ SEC/ VAC) practical examination commencing from 4th Dec |  Quotations Invited |  Quotation for the Annual Magaizne of Kirori Mal College 2024 |  KMC Sem 3 SEC Updated Final List |  Appointment of Guest Faculty in History Dept |  URGENT NOTICE FOR DECEMBER EXAMINTIONS |  Important Message for Students Regarding Bharat Literature Festival |  Science Students Selected for Meritorious Award 2022-23 |  Notice for Students |  For Bright students: Hana Scholarship 2023 |  REGISTRATION FORM: G20 |  Application for College Fee Concession for Needy Students |  Notice Regarding Practical Exams |  Notice for All |  Notice |  Practical Exam Datesheet for Common Courses |  SEM 3 SEC & SEM I AEC Final List |  Notice for Students |  Sem III GEC & VAC Final List |  Quotations for two Bathrooms in College Hostel |  Quotations Invited for Leatherette Sofa Cover |  KMC Sem I VAC Final List |  KMC Sem 1 GEC & SEC FINAL LIST |  Life Certificate Notice & Form |  Physical Verification of First Year PG Students |  Quotations for Chemicals & Glassware |  Registeration for G20 Event |  Notice for Students |  Applications Invited for JRF in a Research Project |  Quotations for Grocery Items in College Hostel Mess |  Hostel WiFi Quotation |  Notice for Non-Teaching Staff |  Computer Science Dept - Internal Assessment |  SEM I & III Lists |  Notice for Sem I and III Students |  Sem I GEC, VAC and AEC List |  Notice for Sem I and III Students |  Common Courses Notice |  Quotation for Sports Good 2023-24 |  KMC Sem 1 GEC List 3 |  Physical Verification of First Year Students |  Appointment of Guest Faculty in Zoology Dept |  Regarding College ID Cards |  E-District Scholarship |  Recruitment for the post of Section Officer - Accounts on Deputation |  Quotations Invited |  3rdCertificate Course in Nanobiotechnology, 2023 |  IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR FIRST YEAR STUDENTS |  Notice & Application form -2023 (Statistics) |  Reliance Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships 2023- 2024 Webinars |  KMC GEC SEM 3 Updated 2nd List |  SEM 3 - SEC THIRD LIST |  SEM I - UPDATED SEC AND VAC LISTS |  Hostel List |  VAC SEM III LIST 2 |  Result of Student's Union Election 2023-24 |  Notice |  Application form -2023 - Philosophy |  Corrigendum - Change in number of posts in Physics Dept |  Vice Chancellor Internship Scheme (Part-time) 2023-24 |  Applications invited for appointment of Guest Faculty |  Notice Regarding Student's ID Card First Year |  Notice |  Notice for Books |  KMC Sem I AEC 2nd List |  Updated - Request for change of DSE/GEC/SEC/VAC allotment, Sem III |  Updated - Request for change of GEC/SEC/VAC allotment, Sem I |  Notice Regarding Student's Election |  UG & PG ADMITTED STUDENTS LIST-2023-24 |  List of Student's Union Election with ballot numbers |  Research Assistant Requirement for ICSSR Project |  Student Union Election 2023-24 List of Final Candidates |  Notice |  Sem I - SEC 2nd List |  Notice |  Student Union Election 2023-24 List of Valid Candidates |  The Department of Geography National Seminar |  Applications in the prescribed format are invited for the appointment of Guest Faculty |  KMC Hostel (PMSS, CW, Sikkim Quota) First & Second Year Admission 23-24 |  One Week Skill Enhancement Program for Non Teaching |  NOMINATION FORM 2023-2024 - Students Union Election |  Notice for Library Cards |  Result of Guest Faculty - Dept of Computer Science |  All first year admitted students list-2023-24 |  Hostel Admission Lists |  Hostel Admission Lists |  Student's Union Election |  PwBD List of Hostel Admission - 1st Year |  Announcing the Reliance Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships (2023-24) |  M.A._M.SC.PREVIOUS YEAR ADMITTED STUDENTS LIST-2023-24 |  VAC SEM III Updated LIST 1 |  SEM V BA & BCOM Prog GEC LIST 2 |  Revised DUSU Election Schedule - DU |  Results of the Student Editorial Board, Academic Section and CCA Section, AMCatKMC 2023-24 |  Notification - Strict compliance of Important Point of Lyndodh Committee Recommendations and Code of Conduct 2023 |  Revised DUSU Election Schedule Notice |  2023_Sep_Notice Sem I Common Courses for BA(Prog)_BCom(Prog) |  2023_Sep_Notice Sem 1 Common Courses for BA (Hons), BCom (Hons), BSc (Hons) and BSc (Prog) |  IMPORTANT NOTICE |  COLLEGE STUDENT'S UNION ELECTION NOTICES |  KMC VAC SEM III LIST 1 |  KMC Sem 1 GEC List 1 |  Regarding Orientation of common courses |  Sem I Updated VAC LIST 1 |  Result for the permanent post of Assistant Professor - Dept of Bengali |  Result for the permanent post of Assistant Professor - Dept of Philosophy |  Code of Conduct - for the candidates contesting DUSU and College Student's Union Elections 2023 - 24 |  NOMINATION FORM 2023-2024 - Students Union Election |  Guest Lecturer Result - Hindi |  Guest Lecturer Result - Geography |  Guest Lecturer Result - History |  Non Teaching Advertisement |  Revised LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY IN COMPUTER SCIENCE |  Corrigendum |  College Fees - Notice for Students |  One-Week Skill Enhancement Program for Non-Teaching Staff |  Sem 1 SEC 1st List |  Engagement of Consultant Engineer (Civil) for Development Projects at KMC Campus |  Notice for Students |  Quotations Invited |  Notice for the Interview of CCA Category of the Student Editorial Board, AMCatKMC 2023-24 |  First Year Students List Updated |  DUSU ELECTION NOTIFICATION 2023-2024 |  Quotations Invited |  KMC VAC SEM III LIST 1 |  Result for the Guest Faculty in Dept. of Chemistry |  KMC Sem I VAC LIST 1 |  Result for the permanent post of Assistant Professor - Dept of Urdu |  List of Candidates called for interview for the post of Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy |  List of Candidates called for interview for the post of Assistant Professor, Department of Bengali |  Seating Plan for the Entrance Test of Student Editorial Board (AMCatKMC 2023-24) |  LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY IN HISTORY DEPARTMENT ON 01.09.2023 AT 9:30 A.M. ONWARDS |  LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY ININ THE DEPARTMENT OF ENLGISH ON 29.08.2023AT 2:00 P.M. ONWARDS |  LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY IN GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT ON 01.09.2023 AT 2:00 P.M. ONWARDS |  Hostel admission form for 3 rd year and MA previous |  Hostel Notice |  List of candidates called for the interview for the appointment of Guest Faculty in Hindi |  Hostel Admission List Academic Year 2023-24 |  LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF GUEST FACULTY IN CHEMISTRY |  List of Candidates called for interview for the post of Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu |  Notice for 1st year students |  Result of Permanent Post of Assistant Professor in Dept of Economics |  Hostel Merit List |  First year students list-2023-24 |  Engagement of Consultant Engineer (Civil) for Development Projects at KMC Campus |  Regarding Notices for Preferences_Common Pool of Courses |  IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ALL |  Notice for 1st year UG & PG students |  Orientation of Common Courses |  Quotations Invited |  Notice for 1st year Students regarding the Student Editorial Board of AMCatKMC 2023-24 |  Youtube Link - Fresher's Orientation Day - 2023-2024 |  Orientation Programme - 2023-2024 |  Regarding first allotment list of GEC , SEC and AEC for students of Sem III |  Quotations Invited |  Regarding GEC and SEC for B.A. (Prog.) and B.Com. (Prog.), SEM V |  Important Notice for all Freshers 2023 Batch |  Notice For all students of B.A.(Prog.)/B.COM. for Semester-V |  Notice and Application form -2023-Guests Lecturers |  Regarding Notice Sem 3 Common Courses for BA (Prog), and BCom (Prog) |  List of Candidates called for interview for the post of Assistant Professor, Department of Economics |  Result for the permanent post of Assistant Professor - Dept of Commerce |  Notice for choice of Common Courses (GEC, SEC, VAC, AEC) for Semester-III 2023 {for BA (Hons), BCom (Hons), BSc (Hons) and BSc (Prog) only} |  HOSTEL ADMISSION NOTICE |  Promotion of Teachers under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) – 2018 |  seating plan morning and evening session 02.08.2023 |  Seating Plan 1st Aug morning and evening |  Notice for Second & Third Year Students |  Seating Plans 30 and 31 July 2023 morning and evening |  New Seating plan 28.07.2023 evening |  Seating Plan 28.07.2023 Morning and Evening |  Seating Plan 27.07.2023 morning and evening |  Seating Plan 26.07.2023 morning and evening |  Seating Plan 25.07.2023 morning and evening |  Revised - ENGAGEMENT OF CONSULTANT ENGINEER FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS AT KMC CAMPUS |  Seating Plan for 23rd and 24th |  Quotations invited for Celebration Point cum Stage at Hostel |  Government Achievements & Schemes Expo 2023 |  Seating Plan 21st July 2023 Morning and Evening |  Seating Plan 20.07.2023 Morning and Evening |  Engagement of Consultant Engineer for Development Projects at KMC Campus |  Notification Regarding Reschedule of Exams |  Notice |  IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING EXAMINATION |  List of Candidates called for interview for the post of Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce |  IMPORTANT NOTICE |  Regarding Car Parking in College |  Notice |  Regarding External Practical of SEC PAPER: Communication in Everyday Life Section C |  Sem II - GEC - UPDATED FINAL LIST |  Notice for First Year Students |  English SEC Practical Exam |  Maths Department Practical Exams - Sem II |  Notice for SEC Practical Exam |  Practical Examination of VAC course: Ethics and culture |  PRACTICAL EXAM AND VIVA VOCE SCHEDULE - SEC |  Regarding Date Sheet Practical Examination - Statistics |  English Practical Exam Notice |  VAC – “Culture and Communication” (Section - A) |  PRACTICAL EXAM AND VIVA VOCE SCHEDULE |  Live Streaming of the Valedictory Function of the Centenary Celebration |  Join us in celebrating DU's centenary! Visit our stall and be part of our historic journey! |  SEM II SEC GEM Final List |  Quotations Invited |  VAC Sem II Final List |  All India Confederation of the blind( Marga Schulze/CBM Merit Scholarship 2023-2024 |  National overseas scholarship for ST students for the year 2023-24 |  Aadhar updation is required urgently for NFST students |  Quotations Invited |  Interview Postponed For The Appointment Of Assistant Professor In The Department Of Urdu- Kirori Mal College, University Of Delhi |  List of Candidates Called For Interview For The Post Of Assistant Professor, Department Of Urdu |  Notice For SEM II Students |  Notice |  Seating Plan 01.06.2023 Morning & Evening |  Seating Plan 31.05.2023 Morning And Evening | 

The students, who have not yet filled their course selection and preferences (for GEC/SEC/VAC/AEC) on the ERP Portal are being given an extension till today i.e. Wednesday, 11th September 2024(11:59pm).

No further extension will be given under any circumstances beyond this date and we will allocate their courses at our own discretion.

Please note, no change will be allowed for any course.  So, kindly fill out the Course Allocation Form very carefully.

Prof. Dinesh Khattar


Kirori Mal College